Friday, January 18, 2013

And the winner is...

Alrighty, folks.  I have now visited the Universities of Aberdeen, Edinburgh, and Glasgow to look at international, environmental, and human rights programmes.  The points currently stand thus:

Friendliest bus drivers: Aberdeen
Most UEA alumni on faculty: Edinburgh
Cutest city centre: Glasgow
Prettiest countryside: Aberdeen
Most enticing LLM programme name: Glasgow
Strongest environmental studies as a uni: Aberdeen
Most flexible LLM programme: Edinburgh
Most swag given: Edinburgh
Underdog town: Aberdeen
Best community culture: Glasgow
Easiest transport to London, etc.: Edinburgh
Friendliest students: Aberdeen
Greatest number of ready-made/preexisting friends: Edinburgh
Thickest accents: Aberdeen
Rudest to poor lil' Norwich: Glasgow
Oldest university: Aberdeen
Class size: Glasgow and Aberdeen
"Course shopping": Glasgow and Edinburgh
Best library: Aberdeen
Strongest academic reputation: Edinburgh
International students: All, but Aberdeen has greatest number from Africa, and there are a lot (an obnoxious number?) of Americans at Edinburgh

I'm not sure which of the aboves are positives.  Haha.
As things stand, it's looking: Edinburgh or Glasgow.
I really did come into this weekend with a rather strong anti-Edinburgh bias.  Because everyone goes to Edinburgh.  Everyone loves Edinburgh.  Everyone else was voting for Edinburgh.
Turns out that might be because it's the best.
Well, fine then.
Sorry, Aberdeen.  I tried.  Really hard.  But I definitely meshed best with the academics at Edinburgh and Glasgow.
I'll be poring over minute detail regarding the academic programmes at Glasgow and Edinburgh to determine which gets first place.  I think, based on memory, that Glasgow's LLM title and programme are slightly more exciting for me.  But Edinburgh has a warmer feel and I really loved the people I met.  So...we shall see.  I'm leaning Edinburgh right now, but I spent much more time here than at Glasgow.  So trying to wait until I'm off the high and back in Norwich, calmly reviewing course catalogues, to make the final decision.

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