Sunday, January 13, 2013

Hydro-Hegemony 6

I'm sitting in a workshop on issues of transboundary water justice, held at UEA's London Campus.  Yesterday was a long ten hours of intensity during which I took 25 pages of single-spaced typed notes.  This morning, either I'm more energized, the topics are more in line with me, or there's something in the air, because I'm incredibly intellectually excited right now.  May have had someone's presentation highlight a possibility for my dissertation, which is making me want to hide in a library typing frantic ideas for hours.  I've also found a wonderful PhD student at King's College London - Oxford is losing the battle!

1 comment:

  1. My sweet girl,
    Glad you are having a good workshop. Always fun to (vicariously and long-distance) share your enthusiasm!
    Should you let the folks at Oxford know they are slipping? Hate for them to lose out because of ignorance or complacency. :)

    Love you!
