Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Maestro and the Marshalls

Selection criteria for the Marshall Scholarships: Academic Merit, Leadership Potential, Ambassadorial Potential...and an interest in furthering British-American relations by mentoring a young Welsh-American child.

Okay, that last is not a formal requirement or part of the interview process. But Iorwerth and I had a lovely day visiting various Scholars today and receiving miscellaneous impromptu lessons.

Mummy and Iorwerth came into London from Norwich for a day-long meeting. We had a sleepover at Miss Becca's flat in central London on Tuesday, which was the cause of much excitement. And then we got to wake up, make chocolate chip cookies, and wander our way through the Tube delivering our morsels to Marshalls to and fro.

We got lessons in:
  • Arm-wrestling,
  • Photography and videography,
  • Reading music,
  • Playing guitar,
  • World geography,
  • and British universities.
A grand time was had by all. (Or, if the Marshall Scholars were a bit miserable with the child, they put on a good face and then got paid in cookies. So close enough.)

1 comment:

  1. None of the Marshall scholars pictured herein appear to be suffering in the least...

