Friday, August 24, 2012

And it begins!

The traveling adventures begin today.  In twenty-six minutes, I will end my employment at MSU as I walk out of the Center for Gender in Global Context.
I am getting in the car and driving to Mount Pleasant where my parents live.  I'll stay there till next Wednesday, visiting Mum and Papa and taking care of appointments and last errands (packing sorting, doctors, all the fun stuff).  Next Thursday, I take a train to Chicago to visit some family friends.  Their house has been a vacation spot for me for six will be strange indeed to not see it for quite a while.  Tuesday, September 4, I take a train from Chicago to Kalamazoo, where I'll meet Mum and Granna and off we go, roadtripping to New Haven!  Stops for theater and good food will be happening; Broadway music will be belted all the way.  Mum and Granna will stay in New Haven for a day or two and visit Kevin, and then drive back to Michigan.  I'll stay with Kevin till Wednesday the 12th.  He has classes going on (read about them here), so I'll be lazing about (read: finishing my research work for the Department of Philosophy and doing web design for the Shalom Center for Justice and Peace, but close enough).  Thursday the 13th I'll train to DC and stay in Rockville, Maryland with the beloved Franna and Leila, whom I housesitted for last summer while interning at the White House.  I'll pop into the office to say "hi" to everyone and give the poodle Shammi several good walks.  Then Sunday, the real work begins...Marshall Scholar Orientation starts at the Embassy!  Flight date to England is Wednesday the 19th.
Twenty minutes left we go!!


  1. Rockville is on the Red line, just like Silver Spring, where I live. Meet somewhere in the middle? :)

  2. I can't believe you are done at the GenCen! It will be weird. I hope you are enjoying yourself, my dear.
