Sunday, January 26, 2014

Birthday and Bowling

Not my birthday.
Julia's birthday!
One of my best mates from the LLM programme turned 24 on Saturday. Since Saturday was Burns Night and there were many, many activities going on in the grand ol' Scottish city, we all met up on Friday at Julia and Sean's flat for birthday festivities.
Saturday afternoon, Sean came over and made cake. This included a fudgy chocolate cake that took FOREVER (seriously, forever. It was in the blasted oven three times longer than the recipe said it would need) to bake - but Sean decorated it adorably and it was super cute. It also included my first go at a flourless chocolate cake, which turned out brilliantly! (Though it *also* took way longer to bake. I think my oven may not actually get up to the claimed heat. Note for future.)
This evening, weekend festivities continue via tenpin bowling. America is being called on once again to trump England (i.e., I am hoping to once again kick Will's butt). Here we go!!

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