Thursday, January 28, 2016

Baby AlFadhel!!

There's a new baby!

My Kuwaiti family has a new granddaughter. Baby AlFadhel was born on Tuesday.

In Kuwait, newborns are often greeted and the new parents congratulated with a fancy reception that takes place nearly immediately in the hospital. All of the women of both families, as well as close friends of the new mother, gather in a suite and are plied with tea, hot chocolate, and sweets. The men gather separately and do...whatever it is men do when they're together without womenfolk? Haha. I cannot give an accurate account of that portion of the reception.

Depending on the parents' preferences, the reception time may last one or two days. My adopted family decided to hold two days' worth. I attended last night. Given the fanciness, one of the daughters dolled me up: makeup, hairstyling, and all! 

However long the reception goes, all the aunts are essentially required to be there to help greet all the extended family and friends. I was thus at the Dive Team's officers longer than usual today, since the normal family lunch was cancelled in favour of the reception.

It all seems a bit exhausting for a brand new mother to me, but I imagine it may also be nice to deal with all the visitors and well-wishers in one go!

In any case, the baby is adorable and very little. :)

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